
About Me

I am a father of two boys ages 9 and 11. Both boys play sports. I am also the travel basketball coach for my oldest son. I have the unique perspective of enjoying my kids play basketball from the view of a parent and a coach. As a parent, I get to hear how good and bad my 9 year olds team is doing. Parents are very honest and rarely hold anything back when it comes to the coach, playing time, and the refs. As a coach I am in the position to give parents reasons to talk. I have always told my boys that you play sports because it's fun, winning will come later and when it's no longer fun, it's time to try something new.


  1. I just discovered your blog! Thanks for adding me to your blog list. I have subscribed to your RSS feed. Looks like you just started?

    1. Yes. I just started. Do you have any good tips?
